Intellectual Property Litigation Lawyers

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Intellectual Property Litigation at Curtis

Curtis’ intellectual property litigators are devoted to helping clients prosecute and defend all types of intellectual property claims.

When intellectual property disputes arise, clients value Curtis’ seasoned trial lawyers. Members of the group offer particular expertise to clients operating in the software, financial services, consumer products, advertising, media and entertainment, medical devices, life sciences, and pharmaceutical sectors.

We represent clients in all types of intellectual property disputes, including:

  • Utility, design, and Hatch-Waxman patent litigation;
  • Trademark and trade dress infringement;
  • Counterfeiting;
  • Copyright infringement;
  • False designation of origin;
  • False advertising;
  • Unfair competition;
  • Trade secrets;
  • Domain names and cybersquatting; and
  • Right of publicity.

Our litigators routinely appear before federal and state courts throughout the United States, including the Federal Circuit; administrative tribunals such as the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the International Trade Commission, and the World Intellectual Property Organization; and arbitral panels throughout the world. Our team is well versed in all aspects of litigation, including obtaining and defending against preliminary injunctions, and litigating in “rocket dockets.” Curtis’ litigation skills and depth of experience allow it to handle client disputes efficiently and with consistent results.

Intellectual Property Litigation at Curtis

Curtis’ intellectual property litigators are devoted to helping clients prosecute and defend all types of intellectual property claims.

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The team is adept at helping clients to economise while maintaining high degrees of protection.

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