ITC Injury Proceeding and ITC Investigation Firm

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By law, antidumping and countervailing duties cannot be imposed unless the International Trade Commission (ITC), an independent quasi-judicial agency, makes an affirmative injury determination. Curtis has vast experience and skills in this area. Several of our senior lawyers have managed successful USITC investigations. We have an impressive record of success defending clients in ITC injury proceedings that is virtually unmatched.

Legal Counsel for Injury Investigations

Over the past 15 years, our lawyers have won at either the preliminary or final phase a large percentage of the cases in which we led the defense. Although each case ultimately succeeds or fails based on the facts of that case, we have been successful in numerous cases. In some cases, we have persuaded the ITC to make a negative determination, even at the preliminary stage. More often, we successfully argued for the ITC to make a negative determination at the final stage.

An aggressive hands-on management of the case characterizes our approach. Lawyers dig into the factual record of the ITC investigation and search for other sources of information to win the case. To win cases, we have spent hours poring over bankruptcy records, traveled across the country to convince customers to testify before the ITC, and continually developed our knowledge in the industries we represent. The prominence of Curtis’ international trade lawyers explains why, in many of the proceedings, our team was chosen by the joint defense effort to be the lead law firm to develop and present the exporters’ case to the ITC.

By law, antidumping and countervailing duties cannot be imposed unless the International Trade Commission (ITC), an independent quasi-judicial agency, makes an affirmative injury determination. Curtis has vast experience and skills in this area. Several of our senior lawyers have managed successful USITC investigations. We have an impressive record of success defending clients in ITC injury proceedings that is virtually unmatched.

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2022 Chambers Global Firm

"Skilled at both Dept. of Commerce proceedings and also International Trade Commission proceedings."

Chambers Global 2019

2021 Chambers USA Recommended Firm

"They are excellent in their expertise of US antidumping laws."

Chambers USA 2017 - Nationwide: International Trade

2022 Chambers Asia Pacific Firm

"Their analysis is always precise and their response is always quick."

Chambers Asia Pacific 2018