Event 03 juin. 2022
Webinaire Curtis en français consacré aux travaux du Groupe de Travail III de la CNUDCI sur le RDIE
client alert
La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme rend des décisions historiques en matière de changement climatique
Global Market Leaders - Public International Law
"Curtis Mallet has a very strong practice."
London - Public International Law
"Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP focuses on the representation of states in both investor-state arbitration proceedings and disputes with other states."
"Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP's public international practice acts for sovereign and commercial clients, whether as claimant or respondent, in bilateral investment treaty and investor-state international arbitration. The team has a niche working with countries from emerging markets."
Public International Law
"Robust team earning strong praise for its representation of sovereign states in international disputes. Holds a strong track record acting as defence counsel in investor-state arbitrations - notably those arising in the oil and gas, mining, banking and telecoms sectors." A source reports that Curtis is "particularly lauded for its expertise in Law of the Sea matters and regularly retained to advise on sovereignty disputes, human rights issues and international trade."
"They have an incredible breadth and depth of knowledge in international law, and can authoritatively address any question or circumstance which arises. They are also excellent at identifying the consequences of taking a particular course of action and what issues may arise in the future from a decision made today. They never lose sight of the context or overall priorities, no matter what we throw at them." Other interviewees add: "They take pride in learning everything there is to learn about each case, not only the legal aspects but also the factual, technical and economic aspects."
"They are thoughtful, thorough and have in-depth knowledge of international law matters across a wide spectrum of issues. On any particular assignment, they get to the heart of the issue and explain the important points in detail while always keeping the big picture in mind. They flag future issues and potential ramifications very clearly." Observers acknowledge the firm’s increasing strength in the market, noting: "They’ve made a great effort to grow the practice and have a number of good up-and-comers."
A client notes the group has a "strong investment treaty practice" acting generally for respondents to BIT arbitration claims.
A market commentator refers to Curtis as a “real player in this sphere."
A source reports that Curtis "has a very developed investor-state practice."
Recommended as a Leading Public International Law Practice
Ranked as a Leading Firm in the UK for Public International Law
Charles L. O. Buderi
George Kahale III
Luciana Teresa Ricart
+44 20 3430 3000
+39 02 7623 2001
New York
+1 212 696 6000
Washington, D.C.
+1 202 452 7373
Arbitrage international
International Trade
Overview - WTO and International Trade Dispute Settlement
Arbitrage commercial
Economic Sanctions
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