News 13 Apr. 2015

Fuad Zarbiyev Publishes Chapter in Oxford University Press Entitled "Interpretation in International Law"

Associate Fuad Zarbiyev of Curtis' International Arbitration Group wrote a chapter in the Oxford University Press-published Interpretation in International Law. The chapter, “A Genealogy of Textualism in Treaty Interpretation” sets out to investigate the genealogy of the textualist paradigm in treaty interpretation and identifies a series of factors primarily pertaining to the intellectual history of the discipline of international law and the historical circumstances prevailing at the time of the adoption of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties that could plausibly explain the current status of textualism.

To mark the release of the publication of the book, the International Law Blog Opinio Juris hosted a book symposium on April 6 to April 9. Mr. Zarbiyev's contribution to the symposium can be accessed here: