Event 02 Nov. 2022

Borzu Sabahi, Justin Jacinto & Marija Ozolins to Speak at International Law Institute Seminar

On November 2 and November 7, 2022, partners Borzu Sabahi and Justin Jacinto and associate Marija Ozolins will speak at a seminar for the International Law Institute (“ILI”) in Washington, DC. Their presentation is part of the ILI's 2022 Advanced Arbitration and Mediation Seminar. Borzu and Marija will provide an introduction to international arbitration, including both commercial and investment arbitration procedures, while Justin will lead an exercise on initiating an arbitration and selecting arbitrators. Course participants include representatives from the Government of Ghana, including members of the Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlements System and representatives from the Bank of Ghana; representatives from the ECOWAS Court of Justice in Abuja, Nigeria; and members of the Retirement Benefits Authority in Kenya. To learn more about the ILI seminar, please click here.

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