News 23 Jul. 2020

Curtis Italy Corporate Team Wins LegalCommunity Corporate Awards 2020

Curtis Italy's corporate team has won a prestigious "Rising Star" award at the LegalCommunity Corporate awards 2020.

The judges commented that Curtis was a “growing player, that stood out in particular in the real estate and in the media sectors. The practice is led by Dino Dima, a professional that has been remarkably reported in the research phase.”

Milan based partners Enrico Troianiello, Daniela Della Rosa and Giovanni Sagramoso (left to right in the photo) accepted the award on behalf of Curtis at a gala evening that took place on Wednesday July 22, 2020 in Milan.

Legal Community Photo 2020

Left-Right: Enrico Troianiello, Daniela Della Rosa and Giovanni Sagramoso

Legal Community Logo 2020

LegalCommunity Awards Corporate 2020

“A growing player, that stood out in particular in the real estate and in the media sectors”

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