Publications 21 Feb. 2025

Curtis Partner John Balouziyeh Publishes New Book, Public International Law: Conventions, Cases and Commentary

Curtis is pleased to announce the publication of Public International Law: Conventions, Cases and Commentary by New York partner John Balouziyeh.

This timely and meticulously researched book has already drawn accolades from international law experts. It addresses the very foundations of the law and the role public international law institutions may play in resolving many of the world’s disputes, conflicts and crises.

It clearly lays out the basic rights and responsibilities of states, corporate actors and individuals within the international arena. At the same time, it analyzes the following public international law topics: state sovereignty; the legality of the use of force; nuclear non-proliferation; economic sanctions; maritime disputes and the law of the sea; international humanitarian law; international environmental law; arms control; the law applicable in occupied and disputed territories; status of refugees and asylum seekers; and state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts.

The book also explores international legal topics that impact not only states, but also multinational corporations, international organizations, NGOs and individuals. These topics include the laws of war, corporate accountability for international crimes, trade and investment, climate change and human rights.

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru and President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Diego García-Sayán, announced that “this solidly researched and clearly written exposition of international law is one that I commend to lawyers, diplomats, investors, international arbitrators and any other person who seeks to understand interstate relations through the lens of international law.”

Charles Buderi, Chair of Curtis’ Public International Law practice and a globally-recognized expert in public international law, wrote that Mr. Balouziyeh’s “immersion in and exposure to legal systems in multiple areas of the world have given him a truly international vision of the importance of international law. The years-long development of this book is a testament to his genuine dedication to the rules-based system of international law and his desire for it to be understood and respected.”

Mr. Balouziyeh is also the author of Foreign Investment in Saudi Arabia and the GCC States, Thomson Reuters (2024); Hope and a Future: The Story of Syrian Refugees, Time Books (2017); Al-Qānūn Al-Tijāri hasb Niẓām Al-Sharikāt fī Al-Mamlaka Al-Arabīyya Al-Saūdīya (القانون التجاري حسب نظام الشركات في المملكة العربية السعودية), Ithrā’ al-Adāla Training Center (2017); A Legal Guide to United States Business Organizations, Springer (2013); Fundamentos de Derecho Español Privado, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi (2013); Principles of International Law, Vandeplas Publishing (2012); Las sociedades mercantiles estadounidenses, Editorial Marcial Pons (2012); and Les Enfants des Rues au Sénégal, Éditions Biliki (Droits de l'enfant) (2005).

The book is available through Wolters Kluwer.

Please click here to download an excerpt from the book.

For more information, contact the author, John Balouziyeh, directly at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP.

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