News 14 Feb. 2025

Curtis Recognized in Chambers Global 2025 Guide

Curtis' international practices and attorneys have once again been recognized in the latest Chambers Global Guide 2025.

The firm has been ranked as Global Market Leaders since the category was introduced in International Arbitration, Public International Law and International Trade. Curtis also shows regional strength in Asia Pacific, USA, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. A significant number of partners are recognized for their foreign expertise in diverse countries, including Kuwait, Kazakhstan, South Korea, China and Nigeria, among others.

Curtis is ranked in 14 practice areas, while 18 individual Curtis attorneys have accumulated 28 rankings, nearly all in international areas of practice.

Clients commended the firm’s particular aptitude in International Arbitration: "The Curtis team has excellent legal technicians who have a perfect understanding of relevant technical matters and both the ability and willingness to deep dive into new matters and issues." Another commented that "Curtis is a well-rounded team with diverse expertise and strong collaboration skills. Their prompt responses to our queries make them exceptional."; and another summarized, "Curtis shows an extremely sophisticated approach dealing with difficult matters."

Among the 18 lawyers with multiple rankings are the key heads of international practice groups. Firm Chairman and International arbitration head George Kahale III received significant feedback, one client commented that they "highly recommend George Kahale. He is full of experience and has excellent cross-examination skills.", with another client stating, "I was really impressed by George's ability to pick up essential issues, explore the areas and develop the strategy that can help win a case." Public International Law head Charles Buderi was praised as "a true gentleman with terrific skills and international experience."

You can browse all of the Curtis rankings here.

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