News 19 May. 2022

Eliot Lauer’s and Juan Perla’s Tenth Circuit Arguments Featured on Audio Arguendo Podcast

Partners Eliot Lauer and Juan Perla argued two separate appeals in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, in Denver, Colorado, before Judges Holmes, Matheson, and Rossman in CIMSA v. GCC. Curtis represents the plaintiff-appellee, CIMSA.

The question presented in Eliot’s argument is whether a U.S. court must vacate its own judgment confirming an arbitral award when a foreign court in the seat of the arbitration has purportedly set aside the award. The question presented in Juan’s argument is whether a U.S. court may order a judgment debtor to turn over assets located abroad to satisfy a U.S. judgment.

Both arguments were featured on Audio Arguendo, a podcast curating unedited arguments from courts in the U.S. and around the world.

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