News 12 Nov. 2021

Hermann Ferré’s SCOTUS Argument Featured on Podcasts "We the People" and Law360's "The Term"

On November 11, 2021, the National Constitution Center’s podcast, “We the People,” and Law360’s Supreme Court podcast, “The Term,” provided in-depth analysis of Curtis’ pro bono case, United States v. Vaello-Madero, including Partner Hermann Ferré’s argument in the Court this week. Both programs mention the firm’s representation by name.

The National Constitution Center’s episode is entitled, “Puerto Rican Rights at SCOTUS and Throughout History.” The Law360 segment is included in Season 3, Episode 7, entitled “Can The U.S. Gov’t Deny Benefits to Puerto Ricans?” The discussion about the case begins around minute 8:30.

You can hear the full episodes below or wherever you get your podcasts.

We the People:

The Term:

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