News 12 Feb. 2016

International Trade Team recognized as #1 in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2016

Curtis’ Washington, DC. and Beijing-based International Trade team has been recognised as a tier one player in the Asia-Pacific region, in the prestigious Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide, published February 2016. The guide lists the Curtis team in the top band alongside only one other firm, and highlights the group’s “renowned strength in representing government bodies in significant trade disputes at the WTO” and “considerable expertise in the manufacturing, agricultural and food processing sectors.” Client quotes for the team include “a first-class organisation” and "In my opinion they are the best. They have a deep bench and have a superior understanding of the economic and legal issues related to this type of work." Partners Bill Barringer and Dan Porter are also recognised as leading players, in bands one and two, respectively.

You can read the entire write-up on the Chambers and Partners website, here.

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