Event 04 Jun. 2021

Partner Charles Howland Participates in Panel for the SelectUSA Investment Summit

New York partner Charles Howland will participate in a Q&A panel entitled "The Value of Predevelopment in Creating a Pipeline of Shovel-Worthy Infrastructure Projects" at the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit. The panel will address strategies that infrastructure projects can use to gain access to "early money" to help bring them to fruition. Mr. Howland will focus on brownfields cleanup and redevelopment, and distributed generation projects.

The SelectUSA Investment Summit is a high-profile event intended to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States. The summit facilitates connections between foreign investors and U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs). This raises awareness about the extensive range of investment opportunities in the United States, which in turn, facilitates job growth.

This year, the SelectUSA Investment Summit will take place virtually from June 7 to June 11. Mr. Howland's panel will take place on June 8. The summit generally consists of over 3,000 attendees, including foreign investors from a broad variety of international markets and economic developers from almost all U.S. states and territories. The summit attracts C-Suite executives, thought leaders, and senior government officials, including President Biden.

If you are interested, please click here for more information.

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