Event 09 Jun. 2021

Partner Charles Howland speaks at the Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop

Partner Charles Howland speaks at the Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop

New York Partner Charles Howland will participate in a panel entitled "Brightest New Ideas and Hottest Emerging Topics" at the Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop. The panel will focus on emerging contaminants, environmental justice, Opportunity Zones, and COVID’s impact on the real estate market. It will also address environmental, energy, and infrastructure initiatives under the new federal administration, as well as alternative energy, sustainability and resiliency issues generally. The event will feature panelists from Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Jew Jersey, New York and Vermont.

The Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop is a virtual event that will review the commercial real estate climate of 2021 and give environmental experts the ability to educate developers on remediating brownfields and commercial real estate incentives. The NSCW is sponsored by the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast. The workshop will take place from June 22nd-23rd, however, Mr. Howland's panel will take place on the 23rd at 3:00PM EST.

If you are interested, please click here for more information.

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