Event 17 Nov. 2021

Charlie Howland Addresses Legal and Financial Risks and Opportunities Associated with Development of Solar Power/Microgrids/Battery Storage Facilities on Environmentally Impaired Lands

Long before President Biden’s November 15th signing of the “infrastructure bill,” the advantages of siting renewable energy-based infrastructure projects on brownfields and other environmentally impaired lands were readily apparent. Now, between increased federal funding for Superfund site remediation, brownfield assessments and cleanups, and energy projects on mine lands, well over $4 billion will soon become available to help further this effort.

On November 30th and December 1st, New York Partner Charlie Howland will chair a conference presented by EUCI on how best to address the legal and financial opportunities and risks associated with such “brightfield” projects, in a program entitled Solar Development on Landfills, Brownfields and Utility Impoundment Sites.

Sponsored by Curtis client Customized Energy Solutions, Ltd., this conference will examine all aspects of developing solar energy and related projects on landfills and brownfields that foster significant opportunities for beneficial financial and community outcomes. It will consider governmental, legal, regulatory, stakeholder endorsement, agrisolar, community solar and storage as components that can be incorporated into these projects to enhance their financial return. Developers, regulatory officials, investors and legal specialists with expertise in this arena will conduct the program, using case studies and examples from successful projects.

Charlie will also speak specifically on the different sources of liability, specific strategies for addressing them, and ways to smooth the pathway to a successful project.

Attendees are expected to include project developers; utility, regulatory and community stakeholders, all of whom will gain practical and technical skills that will allow them to:

  • Understand the many elements of EPA and other federal landfill, brownfield and solar program support
  • Detail federal, state and local jurisdiction incentives to stimulate landfill/brownfield project development
  • Examine project-specific, bottom-line revenue maximization scenarios
  • Conduct a desktop development assessment process
  • Build stakeholder support for landfill and brownfield projects
  • Assess how to incorporate agrisolar/agrivoltaics on landfill and brownfield projects
  • Evaluate landfill and brownfield projects as a vehicle for community solar projects
  • Analyze how to incorporate storage and other infrastructure components on landfill/brownfield projects
  • Review essential contract elements of such projects

For more information about the conference, please click here. A 10% discount is available by contacting Mr. Howland directly.

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