News 16 May. 2019

Partner Gabriela Alvarez-Avila speaks at 2nd ICC Colombia Arbitration Day

Gabriela Alvarez-Avila, partner in Curtis’ International Arbitration group, spoke on a panel at this event entitled Arbitration agreements and multiple contracts: Statutes, Shareholder agreements, SPAs, and her contribution focused on consolidation of arbitrations.

This second edition of the ICC Colombia Arbitration Day was co-organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Colombia and took place in Bogotá on May 16, 2019. The event focused on the characteristics of arbitration proceedings, as well as current topics in international arbitration. It also included debates on arbitration agreements involving multiple shareholders, clauses on price adjustments, penal clauses and clauses limiting liabilities, companies that enter into a restructuring process and the valuation of damages, among others.

For more information, please click here.