News 13 May. 2019

Partner Simon Batifort Joins the International Arbitration Club of New York

New York partner Simon Batifort has been invited to join the exclusive International Arbitration Club of New York. Founded in 2010, the club’s mission is to promote best practices in arbitration as a means of settling international disputes. Membership is by invitation only, and the club counts among its ranks numerous retired state and federal judges, prominent attorneys and arbitrators, internationally known academicians, and senior executives of arbitral organizations.

The club also sponsors the Smit-Lowenfeld prize for best scholarly article in the field, and awarded this year’s prize to Mr. Batifort and his co-author J. Benton Heath for their article, “The New Debate on the Interpretation of MFN Clauses in Investment Treaties: Putting the Brakes on Multilateralization.”

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