Event 31 May. 2022

Partner Simon Batifort speaks at IISD Webinar on “Comparing Approaches to Calculating Compensation: Lessons for Investment Arbitration Reform”

Partner Simon Batifort participated as a panelist in a webinar entitled, “Comparing Approaches to Calculating Compensation: Lessons for Investment Arbitration Reform,” hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) on June 2, 2022 from 10am-11:30am (CEST).

The webinar marked the launch of a new IISD policy paper exploring various approaches used to determine compensation awards in investment arbitration. Moderated by Sarah Brewin (IISD), Mr. Batifort's and his co-panelists - Esmé Shirlow (Australian National University School of Law/lead author of IISD's policy paper), Veronika Fikfak, (University of Copenhagen), and Martins Paparinskis, (University College London) - discussed the paper and its implications for the ongoing reform of investor-state dispute settlement.

Watch a recording of the webinar here:

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