Event 29 Nov. 2021

Partner Simon Batifort Speaks at the 11th Prague Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference

Partner Simon Batifort will speak at the 11th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference, hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic on December 2, 2021. He will participate in a panel discussion on “The Uncertain Future of the Intra-EU Investment Protection.”

The Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference provides a forum for senior government officials and top legal practitioners to discuss trends in international investment law and arbitration. It will take place virtually this year, and is open to the public. For more information, or to register, please contact conference@mfcr.cz before December 1, 2021.

Related resources


Simon Batifort Participates in Oxford-Style Debate for New York Arbitration Week



Simon Batifort Lectures at Queen Mary Executive Course on International Investment Law and Arbitration



Law360 quotes Simon Batifort on Eco Oro v. Colombia Arbitration Decision
