Event 12 Feb. 2020

Partner Simon Batifort Speaks at the 2020 Biennial Conference of the ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group

Partner Simon Batifort will chair a panel on international investment law and arbitration at the ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group’s Biennial Conference, which will take place at the University of Miami School of Law on February 14-15, 2020. The panel will feature Andrés Felipe Esteban-Tovar, Caroline Henckels, Ben Love, Günes Ünüvar and Aysel Küçüksu, who will present forthcoming articles on the reform of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), the concept of legitimate expectations in international investment law, the amendment of the ICSID Arbitration Rules, and the governance of the ISDS system. Mr. Batifort will moderate the session and act as discussant. The theme of the conference is: “Designing International Economic Law: Challenges and Opportunities.”

Click here for more information.

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