News 14 Dec. 2023

Curtis Trade Team is Top Ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024

Curtis’ International Trade group has been ranked #1 in the new Chambers Asia Pacific 2024 guide. It is the ninth consecutive year that the team has been recognized with a top spot.

Two of the international trade attorneys were recognized with individual rankings.

Both the firm and its attorneys received excellent feedback from past clients. One client noted that "The Curtis team have a well-rounded and diverse skill set, allowing them to handle a wide range of complex matters with proficiency and efficiency. The team comprises lawyers who specialize in various aspects of trade remedy work and bring in-depth knowledge and experience, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of trade remedy issues as a whole."

Practice head Dan Porter received a Band 1 ranking, and a client commented that "Daniel consistently exhibits a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in trade remedy matters, allowing him to provide sophisticated and strategic advice to clients." James Durling also received an individual ranking, with a client stating that "James consistently provides excellent service levels and demonstrates a high degree of responsiveness. He is proactive in his communication, promptly addressing queries and concerns."

Please click here to view all of Curtis’ rankings and read the full editorial.