Léa Verdy


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Léa Verdy

Léa Verdy is a member of the firm’s Tax group advising clients on international tax matters. She practices both French and U.S. tax law.

Prior to joining Curtis, Ms. Verdy trained and worked in international law firms in France and in the U.S. She clerked for France’s Conseil d’État, the French supreme court for administrative justice, and served as a judicial intern to the Hon. Harold Baer Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Ms. Verdy was a recipient of the Dean’s Graduate Award (merit-based scholarship) at New York University School of Law. She was also Notes Editor of the Cornell International Law Journal.

Ms. Verdy is a former Première Secrétaire de la Conférence du stage des avocats aux Conseil d’État et à la Cour de cassation (ranked first in appellate moot court competition organized by the French Supreme Courts Bar Association). She received the premier prix de philosophie au Concours général des lycées (ranked first in national high school competition in Philosophy).

Léa Verdy is a member of the firm’s Tax group advising clients on international tax matters. She practices both French and U.S. tax law.

Focus Areas






New York University School of Law, LL.M. in Taxation

Cornell Law School, J.D., cum laude

University of Paris I — Panthéon-Sorbonne, Master 2 in International Commercial Law, cum laude; Master
1 in French and American Law, cum laude; Licence en Droit
(Bachelor of Laws), magna cum laude; Master 1 in Philosophy, summa
cum laude

University of Paris IV — Paris-Sorbonne, Licence (Bachelor of Arts) in Philosophy, summa
cum laude

École Normale Supérieure de Paris (Ulm), Ancienne élève (admitted via national entrance exam)

Admitted to Practice

New York
