Luisa De Florio


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Luisa De Florio is an associate in the firm's Real Estate group.

Ms. De Florio has developed expertise in the real estate area, advising clients on all stages of sale and acquisition transactions of multi-asset portfolios as well as on development projects, lease agreements, real estate fund formation, property and development management. She also advises on general corporate issues, M&A transactions and real estate financing.

Select Publications

“Application of the consumer forum for the natural person guarantor” (“Applicazione del foro del consumatore per il fideiussore persona fisica”) - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 12nd May 2021

“Rent and pandemic, the latest jurisprudential guidelines” (“Canone di locazione e pandemia, gli ultimi orientamenti giurisprudenziali”) - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 1st April 2021

“The image of woman objectification in advertising is no longer compliant as well as fashionable” - K&L Gates - Fashion Law Watch, 25th February 2021

“Breach of shareholders’ agreement: how is the question of jurisdiction resolved if the company is foreign but the shareholders are Italian?” (“Violazione del patto parasociale: come si risolve la questione di giurisdizione se la società è straniera ma i soci sono italiani?”) - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 11th February


Charles University, Prague, Erasmus+

Sapienza University of Rome, Law Degree

Admitted to Practice





Luisa De Florio is an associate in the firm's Real Estate group.

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